The organization began as the Highlander

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The organization began as the Highlander

Post by munnaf642349 »

The fact that it's become much more difficult to reach an audience organically these days means we need to focus on the one thing social media does better than almost any other marketing channel: fostering relationships.

I think there are three levels of relationship building you should focus on with your social media:

Brand fans. This works in conjunction with the previous two strategies, as it will increase your content’s exposure and create more positive brand mentions on social media. Active social media users who love your brand are unpaid advocates who multiply your effectiveness for free.
Organic influencers. I use the term “organic influencer” to singapore phone number checker online free differentiate myself from paid influencers, which is what most brands mean when they talk about influencer marketing. Organic influencers are social media accounts that have a relevant influence for your brand gained through genuine expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (Google’s famous EAT formula). They are valuable on social media for your brand because any positive endorsements they share about you or your products/services will carry weight with their audiences.
Strategic Partners. Strategic Partners are accounts for non-competitive businesses or influencers in your industry with whom you can create valuable content and experiences that leverage both of your social audiences.
While working on all three, using social media to foster relationships with potential strategic partners has been the most valuable of late.
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