How to start a series on project management? It's best to start from the beginning, so let me introduce myself. My name is Anna Surdyk and I'm a Project Manager. At this point, most of you are probably thinking, oh yes, I've heard of such a role, heck! I even had the opportunity to work with someone like that, but I still have no idea what this role is and what he actually does.
I have also heard sarcastic comments like "another manager to manage... I don't know what or who", "I know what to do, why do I need another manager". However, nothing irritates me more than calling a Project Manager a Forward Manager. So I will try to face this myth circulating on the web and in corporate corridors. Will I be able to convince you that this is an important role? I hope that this post will at least allow you to look at this role from a different perspective. So let's start...
Project Managers are sometimes given this ungrateful name. In my opinion, this is primarily due to a lack of understanding of the role itself, not malice. To this day, despite my best efforts, I am unable to explain to my mother and friends outside the industry what I do, and I keep hearing the same question, but what exactly do you do?
The name comes from the English word forward, which means to send/send further or pass on. So who is this mythical Forward Manager? A "sender" of emails to other people asking for a reaction cameroon whatsapp data or information, an additional buffer. He forwards emails to co-workers, and does very little himself (I disagree with this). How much truth is there in this? There is some, but there is a method to this madness. I admit that I also often do forwards , but it is part of my job. There are two main reasons why my co-workers/partners receive such emails.
INFORMATION – I want to provide important information that affects their actions. This may be knowledge that will help them complete a task, force changes in their current work, or is a strategic decision at the project level that I would like to inform them about. In such cases, I usually use the abbreviation fyi ( for your information ) . The Project Manager's task is to ensure project transparency and share knowledge with team members. This is one of the conditions for the project's success. I stick to this principle no matter what. Lack of information flow is one of the most common causes of project delays. Have you ever been uninformed?
ACTION – As a contact person for an external or internal client, I often receive questions that I am unable to answer without first consulting an expert. In such a situation, I attach the original email with a short commentary on what my request is about. Usually it is about a consultation, delivery of something, e.g. a document, or confirmation of information.
In summary, yes, I am sometimes a Forward Manager, but only in the cases described above. Is that all I do? Of course not, but it is often the most tangible part of the job that outsiders see.
Who is a Forward Manager?
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