Trademark Registration Fees

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[email protected]
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Trademark Registration Fees

Post by [email protected] »

First, the application is examined by trademark experts by the Institution. If the trademark application is not rejected, the trademark is published in the official trademark bulletin of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and the opposition period begins. If the trademark does not receive any objections within the 2-month opposition period, it is entitled to receive a registration certificate. If no objections are made to the published trademark, the process can be completed in approximately 6 to 10 months. However, any objections to the trademark and defenses to be made regarding the objections can extend the process and lead to the registration certificate being obtained at a later date.

Trademarks that have been fully applied for and no objections have been received within the objection period are entered into the registry for registration. Once the registration process is completed, the trademark registration certificate is given to the trademark owner.

During the trademark registration process, fees determined annually by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office must be paid. It is important to follow the current amount of these fees, which change every year. In addition to the fees that vary according to the classes in which the trademark application will be made, the registration certificate and the fee to be obtained at the end of the application are also added.

The trademark transaction fees determined by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office allow the trademark to be registered in a single class or in more than one class. The trademark application fee increases as the sweden mobile phone number number of classes increases. In addition, when the trademark application is made through a professional trademark consultancy firm, the service fee determined by the institution must be paid in return for the service provided for the monitoring, control and rapid completion of the trademark registration process.

After the trademark is registered and used for 10 years, if a renewal is requested at the end of the protection period, the trademark renewal fee determined for the relevant year by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office must be paid.

What is the Trademark Registration Class for Trademark Registration?
Each service or product for which a trademark registration application will be made falls within a certain category. The list determined by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office is a guide as to which class the product or service in question will be included in. These classes must be specified when applying by selecting from the classifications in this list.

The brand classification, which derives its source from the Nice Classification System, is used to determine the classes to which brands belong. This system, which foresees 45 different classes, specifies thousands of categories of goods and services in detail. Each class makes a classification by grouping similar products or services. In this way, brand registration applications can be shown in the registry in a clearer and more understandable way.
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