Now, once you start generating content, you won't run out of ideas. You'll have metrics that you can review and analyze to find out what your audience likes the most, what has had the most comments, what other questions people ask you. In other words, you'll have a range of options and new ways to generate content. It's a matter of analyzing and knowing where the opportunities for ideas are.
This is one of the most important points, Josué is the visible switzerland email address face of the content pieces, he himself is the one who has starred in entertainment and information videos for clients. There is no deeper commitment than the CEO together with the COO starring in a music video, making known an idea, information and entertainment through the brand and its purpose.
Sampp is a business dedicated to the pet food industry in a portioned manner with different brands and a subscription model. Together with Diego as a mentor and Bruno as a teammate in the generation of content, they dared to give a voice to the brand. How did they do it? Through what they were good at, the talents that each one has to develop them under an idea. In the case of Josué, CEO of the company, he has an affinity, knowledge and taste for music, so they made a version of a song generating lyrics associated with an idea: The importance and relevance of pets as an integral part of a family nucleus. An entertainment content that generated empathy with its clients who, among their purposes, is to give the best to their pets.
This is one of the most important points, Josué is the visible face of the content pieces, he himself is the one who has starred in entertainment and information videos for clients. There is no deeper commitment than the CEO together with the COO starring in a music video, making known an idea, information and entertainment through the brand and its purpose.
The emotional connection generated in the pieces we show in the workshop and that you can find on our website or on the YouTube channel is a super important factor because it generates empathy, information and emotions, which is precisely the objective of this content marketing delivery.
Now, the reality is that in the current times in which we are living, we have a series of special elements to encourage us to create content. We have a huge technological development where we can communicate and get closer virtually, also in the middle of a pandemic that has driven much more the use of technologies for different daily tasks and an importance for content consumers to stop finding irrelevant content and find value and knowledge in influencers, brands and entrepreneurs.