Creating a plugin sometimes requires a lot of back and forth. You can also make mistakes that can damage your site.
You can use your computer as a local server to host a test WordPress site where you can create and test your plugin.
If your program accommodation supports creating a test site, you can use that as well. We will use the first solution here.
To set up our testing environment, we’ll download Local , a development tool for locally hosting WordPress sites.
Once the download is complete, launch the software on your computer and click the + icon in the bottom left corner to create a new local site.
Creating a WordPress Plugin
Select Create a New Website canada phone number list from the drop-down list and click the button to continue .
Next, follow the on-screen instructions to add your site name, set up your environment, and create your WordPress login details.
Once done. Click on the button Add Site. After adding your site, select your website in the local dashboard and launch your WordPress admin dashboard.
Once the Admin Login page opens, use the username and password you created above to access your dashboard.
Done. Your testing environment is ready. Let's start creating your WordPress plugin.
Step 3: Create your plugin folder
Once your testing environment is in place, the first thing you need to do is create a plugins file in your site directory. By default, WordPress stores all plugins in this directory.wp-content/plugin.
Each plugin installed on your WordPress site will have a folder in this directory. So for your plugin, you must create a folder in this directory and give it a name.
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For this tutorial, we will navigate to this folder wp-content/plugin in our local site directory. That's it.
NOTE: If you are using an intermediate site, the process is