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Improves Customer Satisfaction

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:59 am
by rakibhasan987
Marketers are gradually realizing that consumers need to be engaged during the entire cycle from brand awareness to purchase to after-sales service and until the customer buys a replacement product.

It can play an important role in this whole cycle. Influencers have a large volume of followers who trust the influencer. This builds customer loyalty which is more desirable than mere customer satisfaction.

When the customers have trust, they buy the product of their own volition and are more likely to remain loyal to the brand.

In such a situation, the customer would tend to justify his/ her own Iceland telemarketing data choice of the product rather than blame the seller for having hard-sold a product to an unsuspecting buyer.

Also, a customer would likely revert to the influencer in case of product quality or a service issue, and through this channel, she may receive a faster and more favorable response.

Utilizing and optimizing your Influencer Marketing as an informal customer reach-out platform could be a very strategic value that you can contribute to your company, going beyond your obvious scope of duties and firmly establishing you as a valuable contributor to the firm’s marketing initiatives.

What is influencer marketing
Influencer marketing wins customer trust
Also, a customer would likely revert to the influencer in case of product quality or a service issue, and through this channel, she may receive a faster and more favorable response.

Utilizing and optimizing your Influencer Marketing as an informal customer reach-out platform could be a very strategic value that you can contribute to your company, going beyond your obvious scope of duties and firmly establishing you as a valuable contributor to the firm’s marketing initiatives.