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Digital Marketing Insights to Watch Out For – With Clésio Souza

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:34 am
by nurnobi30
Want to stay up to date with the main insights and trends in the digital marketing market? Then you're in the right place! In an exclusive interview, Clésio Souza from SOURei spoke to Afilio and presented some important marketing insights for the area! Check it out below.

Key Digital Marketing Insights for 2023.
If you've done it this far, staying up to date and aware of marketing trends is a priority for you and we congratulate you for that!

The advertising market, especially the digital marketing market, is constantly changing and to stand out you need to always look for new things and updates, in addition to carrying out tests and knowing your area of ​​expertise within this vast market.
To help you, we have listed below the main insights from this super constructive conversation that can help you in your professional career, whether as an affiliate , advertiser or even an entrepreneur. See below what they are:

Marketing insights you will find in this text:

An area that is always changing
Digital is here to stay
Well-defined processes are important for digital
Brazil is ahead in digital marketing.
And if you're not yet familiar with the term, check out our explanation below before continuing reading, so you can make the most of each of the insights.

What is an insight?

Insight is a sudden clarity, or rather, a moment of illumination in your ideas. Thus, an insight can be finding an answer, noticing a pattern or even finally understanding a subject after much reflection on it.

Furthermore, insight is a term also used in psychology when one has an understanding or finds a solution to the problems experienced.

What is insight in marketing?

In marketing, insight is a way to solve a problem in a campaign or even to understand behavior in the target audience and in the market. Therefore, when we talk about insight in marketing, we refer to the ability to analyze the whole and from there draw conclusions that can help in the sales process.

Furthermore, an insight can also be a perception that seeks to guide and direct future launches and campaigns.

Now that you know what an insight is, see below the main insights from this conversation and apply them to your repertoire.

An area that is always changing
The first insight presented in the conversation is about digital georgia phone number data marketing : it is an area that is always changing.

If when the area that Clésio is today was formed it didn't even exist, imagine the big movements we see today, such as the emergence of digital influencers and TikTok trends, that were happening little by little a while ago, in 2019 and 2020 .

In other words: the insight shows that in addition to digital marketing always changing, it is also an area that evolves very quickly, allowing for more frequent implementations of your projects.

Digital is here to stay
Although it is still something new for many people, the digital world is here to stay and consequently digital marketing. This important marketing insight shows us that for those who are not yet digitally literate, this may be a great time.

After all, whether it's for selling, advertising or communicating, digital technology breaks down barriers every day and makes the relationship between customers and consumers much more fluid and organic.

Furthermore, another important insight about marketing still within this topic is due to the fact that Brazil is far ahead of other countries when it comes to technology. Therefore, although the population is still getting used to it, it is a great environment for entrepreneurship.

Well-defined processes are important for digital
Clesio mentioned in our conversation that the agency initially emerged in a completely digital and remote way, as a result of the internet and technology. And when asked about it, whether the process occurred this way and if it was smooth, he explained:

“Yes, it was, it's all a matter of organization and planning.” He went even deeper and said that whether for completely digital companies, or for those looking to work from home , organization is essential for the work to flow smoothly.

Therefore, well-defined processes are the key to success in digital. Therefore, whether you want to work remotely, in a hybrid way, or even take a chance as an affiliate, discipline and a lot of organization are required.

In short, the interview presented several insights beyond those that will be presented in this text, and to learn all these insights, check out our full conversation on our YouTube channel or below and find out!