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It’s like we’ve stepped into a sales rep’s dream. Improve

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:10 am
by Liton920@
B2B intent data providers give your business a list of highly qualified leads that you can send to your sales team. Depending on the tool, it might also tell you how to contact them, when they last visited your site, and more. You can then send that list to your sales team or create a retargeting campaign. Example: Reachdesk has great experience with buyer intent data: Of the approximately 500 companies that visit its site each month, 350 of them match its ICP. On average, 50 of those are brand new.

It’s like we’ve stepped into a sales rep’s dream. Improve Outbound Sales Pitch Outbound sales is a numbers game—the more contacts you make, the better your chances of actually finding someone interested in your product. Cold outreach can sometimes work. However, purchase intent data can give your sales team powerful information about who is interested united states of america consumer email address in your product and what they’re interested in. What if your sales team could provide information on the first call about the type of content a prospect is interested in, where they’re located, or what eBooks they’ve read? With this information, they can create a more personalized pitch that’s more likely to convert a prospect into a customer.

Improve Account-Based Marketing Campaigns Account-based marketing targets specific companies with personalized campaigns, rather than targeting an entire audience. A Guide to Intent Data A Marketer’s Guide to Intent Data Intent data is the future of ABM! Learn how to use intent signals to attract the right companies and increase revenue with this guide → Download For example, instead of targeting tech companies with over $1 million in annual revenue, you might specifically target Microsoft. This is a very effective conversion strategy because you can target the specific needs of a specific company, rather than wasting advertising dollars targeting thousands of people.