Tawk.to: a super complete chat for WordPress… and free!

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Tawk.to: a super complete chat for WordPress… and free!

Post by pappu6329 »

Tawk.to is the latest and one of the greatest discoveries I've made in recent times in terms of plugins thanks to one of my latest projects for a very special client that I'll tell you about later.

That's one of the good things about my profession: no day is the same as the previous one and you never stop learning new things. So, falling into a routine that is always the same day after day is really difficult.

As I was telling you, Tawk.to has been a more than gratifying discovery for me to solve the problem of wanting to install a chat in WordPress .

In short: I loved everything that this tool offers completely free of charge, both its simplicity and ease of use.

But since I always like to put myself in the shoes of those who know less (maybe you are one of them), I'm going to go step by step from the beginning answering the first basic question.

Table of Contents [ Hide ]

What is a chat and why use the Tawk.to plugin
When it is advisable (or not) to put a chat in your WordPress
Why use Tawk.to? Key features
Tutorial to add a chat in WordPress url=https://telemadata.com/czech-republic-telegram-data]czech republic telegram lead[/url] the Tawk.to plugin
Registration on the Tawk.to website
Setting up your first WordPress chat with Tawk To
Setting chat text and layout options
Implementing chat in WordPress
What is a chat and why use the Tawk.to plugin
Chat is a means of communication via the Internet that consists of the exchange of written messages in real time between two people who are connected to the Internet.

You probably don't like technical terms too much, so you'll probably understand it better with the following example in a real case.
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