Imagine how much more effective your sales and marketing teams could be. That’s exactly what B2B buyer intent data delivers—focused insights that drive better results. If you want to spend less time on "maybes" and focus more on finding companies ready to buy, B2B buyer intent data is the solution — and it’s incredibly powerful. Note: Want to see which companies want to purchase solutions you can offer? Try Leadfeeder free for 14 days to uncover prospects using customer data and behavior.
What is buyer intent data? B2B buyer intent data is an aggregated set of data showing which companies are active in the buying cycle. These are companies that are actively sending out strong signals that they are ready to buy, and soon. Depending on your B2B intent data provider, those signals might include: Someone clicks on a social media ad Several people at croatia business email database a company visit your website Frequent visits to your website Length of time on your website Email newsletter subscriber behavior intent data guide Guide to Intent Data for Marketers Intent data is the future of ABM! Learn how to use intent signals to engage the right companies and grow your revenue with this guide → DOWNLOAD What types of buyer intent data are out there? Buyer intent data exists in various forms, offering unique insights into customer behavior and preferences.
marketing strategies and improve lead targeting. Let’s explore buyer intent data's main categories and applications for driving better results. First-party intent data First-party intent data is information collected about your audience or customers. Definition: Data gathered directly from your sources, reflecting the actions and behaviors of your customers and prospects as they interact with your brand. Sources: Includes metrics from your website (like page views, time spent on pages), email engagement (opens, clicks), CRM data, and customer surveys.