Content curation is great for building your position in your field, but it's rare to find a site that relies solely on it. Writing your own content is still a good way to get good conversion results. That's why content marketing exists.
Tristan Handy, COO of social media marketing firm Argyle Social, says the performance ratio between curated content and original content is 60/40 on social media.
How to get results?
Give your audience what they want
What are your readers looking for when they visit your site? Are they looking for information? Opinions? Do they want to be inspired, entertained or informed? This is the basis of marketing. It is important that you know who your readers are and what they want in order to address them in the best way.
Look for value-added content
There are several ways to easily find what you are looking for. You can use:
RSS feed aggregators. Tools like Flipboard allow you to search by URL or topic. They also allow you to create categories.
Social networks. Twitter is already a content aggregator. So you lebanon whatsapp data can make lists. In addition to the search tools offered by Facebook or Twitter, tools like Social Searcher allow you to search by hashtag or topic among everything that has been published on social networks.
Don't forget your own original content. You can curate articles that have performed well or update some of them.
Filter your content
After doing a general search, it is important to ask the right questions for each of the things selected:
Is it well written or directed?
Is it relevant to your audience? Does it satisfy their curiosity?
Is this old or recent?
Does this fit with everything you've published before?
Will this give you a good image?
If the answer is yes to each of these questions, you can integrate it.
Bring added value
If you've followed this far, you've probably understood that adding value is key. But you have to make that clear to your readers. Here are some ways to do it:
Write an introduction in your own words
Put things in context for your readers. Let them understand why you find it interesting.
Highlight a specific point in the article
Change your tone depending on your audience
Similarly, add your vision and perspective on the original
Add a call-to-action button that links to your content to go further on a particular subject
Make it look pretty
Form is as important as content. If your selection looks like a series of links, it doesn't make you want to click. The important thing is that it's clear and that the presentation is in line with your brand image with your tone, your colors and your logo.
Spend time on it
Content curation should become a daily reflex. Initially, dedicate at least one hour per day to searching, selecting and adding your thoughts on a piece of content.
Be fair
The most successful content curators always follow several rules when it comes to ethics:
They credit the authors and put a link that redirects to the original
They never knowingly violate copyrights
They don't rely on just one or two sources. That would mean you're lazy or you're appropriating the work of these people.
They copy the original text as little as possible. You have to give your opinion but make your readers want to click to find out more.
Find the right communication media and the right timings
To get the most out of your content curation work, it’s important to choose the right medium where you’re going to publish it. There are four main places:
You no longer need to create original content
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