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March 8-14 Science and Technology Week

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:33 am
Science and Technology Week is celebrated in order to emphasize the importance of science and technology in our lives.
Acceptance of the Independence March 12
Mehmet Akif was elected as a member of parliament for Burdur in sri lanka mobile phone number1920. He agreed to participate in the national anthem competition held in 1921 on the condition of “not receiving a cash prize”, and the poem he dedicated to the army was accepted as the national anthem on March 12, 1921.
March 14 Medicine Day
Medicine Day is considered the day when the first surgery center was established under the name Tıphane-i Amire and Cerrahhane-i Amire in Tulumbacıbaşı Mansion in Şehzadebaşı on March 14, 1827, during the reign of Mahmud II, upon the suggestion of Chief Physician Mustafa Behçet and the beginning of modern medical education in Turkey.
March 14 Pi Day (Pi Number)
Pi Day is accepted as a special day to commemorate the famous mathematical constant pi and is celebrated every year on March 14. … The reason for this is that this day appears as 3/14 in the American date format, which is reminiscent of the most common use of the number pi.
March 15 World Consumer Rights Day
March 18 Çanakkale Victory
is a day to commemorate the great epic celebrated throughout Turkey.
March 18-24 Elderly Week
In order to raise awareness on the issues of old age and elderly health in parallel with the rate of increase in the elderly population, March 18-24 is commemorated as Respect for the Elderly Week and events are held on these dates.
March 20 World Happiness Day
On March 20, 2012, the United Nations declared March 20 as “World Happiness Day” to remind people around the world of the idea of ​​happiness and to raise awareness through celebrations.
March 21 World Down Syndrome Day

Having 3 chromosomes instead of 2 makes the numbers 21 and 3 special on the calendar. That's why World Down Syndrome Awareness Day is celebrated on March 21.
March 21 World Forestry Day
Turkey first celebrated World Forestry Day in 1975. In addition, Forest Week is celebrated in our country between March 21-26.
March 21 World Poetry Day
March 21 World Poetry Day is a day declared by UNESCO in 1999 in order to ensure the spread of poetry as a universal language among people and celebrated all over the world.
March 22 World Water Day
In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 as 'World Water Day'. World Water Day emphasizes the increasing water crisis as a phenomenon that threatens the sustainability of social and economic development.
March 23 World Meteorological Day
It is celebrated all over the world as World Meteorological Day to commemorate the entry into force of the convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization on the same day in 1950.