Page 1 of 1 launches its new advertising format

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:50 am
by Ehsanuls55 , a specialist in the online promotion of products through its extensive network of shopping centres and contextual advertising spaces, has launched its new advertising format: 'Showcases in Images' . These are contextual ads superimposed on the portal's own photographs or illustrations.

This advertising solution allows publishers to increase their revenues while maintaining traffic volume and to take advantage of non-monetized spaces. Image ads generate up to 20 times more qualified clicks than the same ad in a different format. Users who hover over an illustration or photograph pay more attention to the ad than if it were in another position.

This format is simple : among other parameters, the platform analyses the keywords uae phone number list associated with the images and displays contextual ads related to this information. This way, highly relevant advertising is obtained that is directly linked to the content of the page.

The support can configure different variables including the percentage of occupation of the 'Image Showcases' (from a third of the image to 100%), and its permanence time (how many seconds it takes for the advertisement to retract).

With this initiative, continues its line of developing non-conventional advertising formats to maximize the revenue of its media.

1 Comment . Leave new

November 17, 2011 4:45 pm
Excellent!! But you know there is still a lot of room for improvement, keep up the good work!!