Customize how items are selected

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[email protected]
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Customize how items are selected

Post by [email protected] »

The new list slicer can be made hierarchical by dragging more than one field into the field data area, which will trigger additional formatting settings specific to hierarchical data.

Additionally, the List Slicer offers a high level of customization, including:

Selection: within the slicer.
Shape: Adjust the shape of the slicer to suit your design needs.
Layout: Modify the layout to better organize the slicer elements.
Overflow: Manages how the slicer handles iran whatsapp resource overflow content (e.g. continuous scrolling, pagination).
State Styles: Define styles for different states (e.g. selected, unselected, on hover).
Selection Icon: Choose an icon to represent the selected items. This option is also available for the “Mosaic Cutter”.
Expand/Collapse Icon: Select icons to expand or collapse hierarchical data.
Button Styles: Customize the appearance of the buttons within the slicer.

Power BI in Teams: Announcing the retirement of the “Teams Activity Analytics” report
The Teams Activity Analytics report is a ready-to-use tool that users can create in their own workspace to track Teams usage data. This option is available through the Power BI app in Teams, Outlook, and M365. However, this feature will be retired starting December 31, 2024. Starting January 1, 2025, users will not be able to create new reports and existing reports will not be updated.

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