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There are so many other ways to get insights with segmentation

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:47 am
by zihadhasan019
I have a small online marketing blog where I wrote a post on how to track spiders with Google Analytics some times ago, and I can see very easily with that kind of segment what the visitors did after reading that, and where they were coming from. Segmenting by Visitor behaviour: I love this one as it gives you very good insights and reveal a lot on how your site perform. For example I have an e-commerce website which has a conversion funnel of 5 pages.

In that case, we can consider that a visit with 5 page germany email list views is an “engaged visit”. It is very important to see how those visits behave on your site, against the overall traffic. The number of Page Views depends on what you want to measure, and which industry you’re on.That sort of segments are very good indicators to measure the engagement of your site. In the example above, we can clearly see that there is a lot of room for improvement.


I only described 4 ways here to segment your data (which I hope you enjoyed). . You can for example have more than 1 dimension in your segment: Example: I want to see only visits coming from UK, with more than 15 pages views, which stayed on site less than 6 minutes (tricky isn't it?) Segmentation is a wonderful topic which leads to another huge subject in web analytics: Key Performance Indicators.