As for link building, I sincerely believe that the panorama will change little.
Anyone who was building or acquiring links to improve their Google rankings is going to continue using dofollow links whenever they can.
That is, in general they will not mark them as sponsored, UGC or nofollow, however, the most experienced linkbuilders will use these 3 attributes to give variety and naturalness to their link profile, precisely for the reason I explained in the previous answer.
But these people or agencies were already using the nofollow attribute for this purpose before.
So, little change.
Google hasn't made it very clear where it stands on these new attributes either. Why do you think it's suddenly come up with them?
Well, for now we can only speculate, but in my opinion the fact that dofollow/nofollow was an “all or nothing” thing lately was weakening Google’s ability to understand and rank the website based on links.
This happened because many websites (including major media outlets like Forbes and the Huffington Post) had decided to mark all their outbound links as nofollow, and Google could no longer “see” or continue crawling from those nofollow links.
The reason for these media to mark 100% of their links as nofollow was clear: to avoid the temptation for their editors to sell links to third parties.
If they are not passing link juice or PageRank, no one will be interested philippines phone code in buying them anymore (at least for the purpose of ranking better in Google).
In this way, Google will regain visibility on hundreds of thousands of links that, before being nofollowed, were as if they did not exist for Google when it came to generating its rankings.
Of these links, there were undoubtedly some with very high value for Google when it came to ranking and better understanding the linked pages.
In summary, my opinion is that this change benefits Google, and if it did not, it would not have been introduced.
With these latest Google changes to attributes, what will happen to link buying platforms?
These platforms will continue to exist.
It must be remembered that they previously offered or facilitated a service that is in principle against Google's guidelines on links, since they allowed users to obtain dofollow links in exchange for a financial benefit.
If they did it before, they will continue doing it now.
And in the end, nothing happens, because Google can decide on rules for the operation of its search engine, but it is not the police or the government of the Internet.
What the platforms are doing is not illegal, although I think it is appropriate for them to do everything possible to inform buyers and sellers that if they do not mark their backlinks as nofollow or sponsored they are violating Google's rules on links (since 95% of buyers do this with the aim of ranking better on Google).
I think that from now on platforms will give the possibility of buying links and marking them with the sponsored attribute